Weight loss and health
Do I want to lose weight? Do I want to be healthy? Are these the same thing?
Well let’s break this down. Losing weight isn’t the best term as you can lose weight without losing fat. Extreme diets work quickly – typically you lose pounds fast due to water loss. You may also be losing muscle mass. So, if you are looking to lose some weight you want to lose fat.
If I am losing fat, I must be healthier then? Not necessarily! You can lose weight eating
donuts every day. Yep, I did say donuts. You wouldn’t be able to eat very much, and you
would be hungry and nutrient deficient, but if you are in a calorie deficit you will lose
This is where you want to strike a balance. A small sustainable change that you can continue over a long period of time is key. Yes, Susan at work probably did lose 2 stone by following a fad diet. Will she continue to keep that weight off? Statistically no. Most people who lose weight quickly through fad dieting put it all back on again and then some. This is due to unrealistic changes which are unsustainable in the long term.
So, what can I do then?
L-fit Glasgow Personal Training Tips to sustainable fat loss
– Remember how long it took to put the weight on. Be patient with yourself
– Hydrate! We often confuse thirst with hunger
– Make sustainable changes – a HUGE calorie deficit will make you recoil quickly (fast
fat loss, fast fat gain!) – a realistic weight loss will work overtime and is easier
maintained in the long run
– Increase fun activity – make a daily 15min+ walk your norm – take the stairs over
escalators, plan active weekends in the outdoors
– Don’t go all or nothing, you are allowed to have tasty treats! This doesn’t mean you
now throw in the towel for the day/week because something sweet has passed your
– Swap out calorie dense/nutritionally low food for high nutrition colourful food (e.g.
swap mashed potatoes for mixed veg)
– Eat protein during every meal. Protein helps us to feel full!
If you would like some coaching to help get you started, get in touch with L-Fit Glasgow Personal Training.