Frequently Asked Questions:
What do I need to bring with me?
Come straight to the gym, be dressed, and ready to go! This should include clothing that allows for a good range of movement such as sportswear or leggings, trainers and a water bottle. At L-Fit Personal Training Glasgow, it’s all about being comfortable and getting the most from your workout. Not all the gear and no idea :).
How long are the sessions?
Each session will last approx 1 hour, this will include your warm-up and cool down. Personal training will not stop there!! You will have access to a wide range of resources and tools to support you with your goals and your Personal Trainer is always available with any questions you have.
Will I receive a diet plan?
The simple answer is No! At L-first Personal Training, we will be coaching you to identify a ‘diet’ that works for you. We won’t be labeling foods as good, bad or super! Instead, we will be educating you to make the right choices that work for your needs.
Do I need to be a member of a gym?
No, our Personal Training sessions can be adapted to take forward either at home or completed at a Glasgow gym. If completing home workouts we will encourage you to purchase a resistance band and or adjustable weights.
How long will I need a Personal Trainer?
L-fit Glasgow Personal Trainer packages are operated via a monthly standing order. We are focused on supporting you to become life fit and encourage regular exercise for life, however how long you require our support and community, like most of the questions asked is personal to you and your goals. We will always set specific goals for each month and educate you on all aspects of your programme and it will then be entirely up to you on when you are ready to fly solo.
What fitness level do I need to have?
L-fit Glasgow Personal Trainers welcomes all fitness levels. We will complete an assessment screening prior to you joining the group session(s), at times we may advise block(s) of 1:1 sessions are required firstly.. What is so important is that you are ready to get out of your comfort zone and give each session 100%.
How much are personal training sessions?
One session per week is priced at £80 a month
1 weekly face to face session
Two sessions per week is priced at £160 a month
2 weekly face to face sessions
Both package includes:
- Weekly face to face session(s) (approx 1 hour).
- Personal Workout Programme (adaptable for gym or home based training). Delivered via L-Fit App.
- Weekly Check In.
- Access to Health and Wellbeing Guides and Toolkits.
- Strong community of like-minded females.
What days and times are the sessions?
The below table outlines all of our sessions. Please note we look to book clients into a regular slot, you will have flexibility to join other sessions when required i.e holidays, etc.
Contact L Fit today for straight talking advice and support.